Saturday, August 29, 2009

I miss this little girl! Especially pushing her on the swings (even if I did make her do a belly flop). According to Aria "I better now." Thanks for making these last two weeks wonderful.

Went spelunking with Crew 400 today including TJ McCoy, Bro Daryl McCoy, Thomas Hafen, Carson Berger, Berkeley Ward, Patrick Blackburn, and Dallin Hunt (not pictured). This is a fun group!

Friday, August 14, 2009

The music to Mario Brothers was a crowd favorite!

Saw Houseplant Survival at the Washington County Fair (a.k.a. Mike and the Boys per the program). These guys did great for their first gig (pretty much) and definitely have talent. Brad Dorius, keyboards; Mike Stanley, bass guitar and lead vocals; Clark Slater, lead guitar; Jared Radmall, drums. The band and their mosh pit battled wind, a few technical difficulties, and a police siren. I battled video camera problems. Had a a great time.

Saturday, August 08, 2009

I went skim boarding for the first time in my life with the Venturing Crew in my ward. I tried it but apparently the boards have a weight limit. The idea is to skim rather than to sink. Looked pretty fun from the sidelines.